

该计划将女性行业专业人士与ODU本科女学生相匹配,重点是为即将升学的大三和大四学生服务. WIN的导师和学员根据兴趣领域和职业道路进行匹配. WIN mentees are predominantly first-generation minority students (90%). About one-third of mentees are STEM majors and over 30% are Pell-eligible.





自该项目成立以来,已有200多名WIN学生从bet8体育娱乐入口毕业. WIN成员目前为85名女学生提供指导,但对导师的需求正在增加. WIN师友计划旨在为学员提供额外的资源,帮助他们继续取得成功.

Join the WIN Mentee Student 社区!

Potential mentees are encouraged to 适用于Monarch团体. For more information, please contact Dionicia Mahler-Rogers博士.D.:

Dionicia Mahler-Rogers博士.D.
领导办公室 & 学习

电话 757-683-5996
电子邮件 dmahlerr@vrgrxgvxabuzkxafp.com

获得指导 Program 事件

WIN每年向ODU学生社区提供各种编程和资源,以支持学生的成功. 项目包括:

  • Monarch Student 领导 Academy
  • 每月WIN午餐 & 学习计划
  • Big Blue's 关闭t providing complimentary gently used professional attire
  • Business etiquette and professional development workshops
  • "Celebrating our Seniors" annual event recognizing WIN mentee graduates
  • 参与ODU艺术,ODU体育,总统系列讲座和大学活动
  • Volunteer opportunities with community not for profit initiatives

ODU 获得指导 Program Alumna

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, 伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ‘20, CPA, MSA
Senior Financial Management Consultant, Deloitte
B.S. 会计; M.S. 会计
ODU WIN Mentor: 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ’20 with her ODU WIN mentor, Marsha Hudgins, MBA ’76.

“WIN项目中的师友关系是我职业追求和抱负的催化剂. 它为我创造了许多第一次奠定了基础,并使我在企业界发展成为一名优雅的职业女性, 作为社区领袖, 在我的个人生活中.

My WIN mentor introduced me to my first CPA, 我第一次与女企业主和女企业家共进午餐是在我的研究领域吗, my first internship was obtained through the WIN program, and my first forever friendship with a CEO. 没有这些第一次, 我就不会有今天的成就,也不会准备为四大会计师事务所提供咨询服务.”    伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ‘20, CPA, MSA

Elizabeth Owusuwwa is a Senior Consultant, Financial Management at Deloitte. ODU WIN President, Marsha Hudgins, MBA ’76, served as a mentor to 伊丽莎白Owusuwaa.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Kiara " Keke " moya - prea ’23,
USN Surface Warfare 办公室r, United States 海军
Batten College of Engineering and 技术 ODU WIN Mentor: 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

Keke has been commissioned as a surface warfare officer in the U.S. 海军. She will be assigned to USS Kearsarge. 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA has been her mentor for three years:

"Keke is an example of the amazing hidden talents we have here at ODU. Daughter of an immigrant from Guatemala, she has carved an impressive career in engineering, 她对美国做出了最终的承诺,在美国陆军担任军官.S. 海军. I am extremely proud of this extraordinary young woman." 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, 西蒙·斯蒂芬 ‘22
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Batten College of Engineering and 技术
ODU WIN Mentor: Bertha “Bee” Ballard ’20, Nuclear Engineer, Reactor Servicing/Nuclear Propulsion,


我的WIN学员西蒙娜·斯蒂芬(西蒙·斯蒂芬)去年春天完成了机械工程学士学位. 她获得了2022年BCET多元化研究生奖,并继续完成了她的硕士学位
今夏的网络安全. 今年春天, 她发表了一篇论文, “Implications of 网络安全 in Advanced Agriculture”, 并在网络战争与安全国际会议上发表,并完成了网络体验式学习计划.
她目前通过国土安全部的有线实习和发展计划在太平洋西北国家实验室担任网络安全硕士实习生. 她有一个令人难以置信的故事,讲述了她在经历了一次重大的生活改变后如何克服逆境,这让她在追求教育的同时帮助照顾她所爱的人. She’s incredible and I’m proud to play a small part in her story!” 伯莎·"蜜蜂"·巴拉德,20届 Nuclear Engineer, Reactor Servicing/Nuclear Propulsion, 纽波特纽斯造船公司

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Jaidan N. 威廉姆斯,23年,A.A.S.
IT Specialist, 办公室 of the Inspector General, NASA Langley

B.S. 网络安全,2023
ODU WIN Mentor: Ann Jones, Director, Enterprise Identity 服务s, Sentara 健康care


Jaidan的ODU之路始于潮汐社区学院的STEM承诺学者,在那里Jaidan获得了全额学费奖学金. Jaidan’s academic accolades include being named to Dean’s List, 总统荣誉榜, and a recipient of the TCC Academic Excellence and 服务 Award.
While a student at Old Dominion, Jaidan joined the Summer 757 program to enhance her career readiness, build her professional network, and meet like-minded students with shared goals and visions for their futures. 贾丹于2022年在NASA兰利研究中心实习,并于2023年在NASA兰利研究中心监察长办公室全职担任IT专家.
Jaidan在Old Dominion大学读书时参加了ODU WIN指导计划. Ann Jones是Sentara 健康care企业身份服务总监,曾担任Jaidan的导师.

ODU WIN mentee alumni, 伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ’20 and Rafia哈克 ’19.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Rafia哈克 ‘19 Flight Software, NASA Langley 研究 Center
B.S. 计算机科学2019
MS 网络安全 Policy, Georgia Institute of 技术 2023 ODU
WIN Mentor: 基兰Poulos, JD, MS 会计 ‘05

Rafia哈克 ’19 is a Flight Software Engineer at NASA Langley 研究 Center. While a computer science student at ODU, Rafia参加了ODU WIN指导计划,由律师和ODU WIN成员指导, 基兰Poulos, MA ‘05.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, 阿曼达Pysher ‘23
BS, Ocean and Earth Science
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS环境健康,职业健康和安全' 19 Construction Supervisor, CVN-79 New Carrier Construction, 纽波特纽斯造船公司

阿曼达·皮舍于2023年5月毕业于ODU,现在在沿海卡罗莱纳大学攻读沿海海洋和湿地研究硕士学位. 在ODU时, she was a Division 1 student athlete on the 女性’s Rowing team, a volunteer researcher in the ODU Wetland Plant & 修复实验室, and served as an undergraduate research assistant in the Evolution Eco-Physiology Lab, 以扩大她的经验,并在她任职期间参与了许多其他项目和倡议. Pysher was a member of the CIVIC Scholars Class of 2023.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Ephony王 ‘23
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS环境健康,职业健康和安全' 19
Construction Supervisor, CVN-79 New Carrier Construction, 纽波特纽斯造船公司

埃phony King毕业于学徒学校,在ODU任职期间曾在纽波特纽斯造船公司担任结构焊工. 她于2023年8月完成了机械工程技术学士学位,现在是纽波特纽斯造船公司反应堆服务部的机械工程师. 她也是CVN-80(企业号)龙骨铺设的两名焊工之一。. Biles and fellow Olympian Katie Ledecky are the ship’s sponsors. Ephony welded Simone Biles’s initials on to the keel plate. 她是纽波特纽斯造船公司的2022年卓越模范获得者,也是她担任结构焊工期间所做的工作.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, 伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ‘20, CPA, MSA
Senior Financial Management Consultant, Deloitte
B.S. 会计; M.S. 会计
ODU WIN Mentor: 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ’20 with her ODU WIN mentor, Marsha Hudgins, MBA ’76.

“WIN项目中的师友关系是我职业追求和抱负的催化剂. 它为我创造了许多第一次奠定了基础,并使我在企业界发展成为一名优雅的职业女性, 作为社区领袖, 在我的个人生活中.

My WIN mentor introduced me to my first CPA, 我第一次与女企业主和女企业家共进午餐是在我的研究领域吗, my first internship was obtained through the WIN program, and my first forever friendship with a CEO. 没有这些第一次, 我就不会有今天的成就,也不会准备为四大会计师事务所提供咨询服务.”    伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ‘20, CPA, MSA

Elizabeth Owusuwwa is a Senior Consultant, Financial Management at Deloitte. ODU WIN President, Marsha Hudgins, MBA ’76, served as a mentor to 伊丽莎白Owusuwaa.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Kiara " Keke " moya - prea ’23,
USN Surface Warfare 办公室r, United States 海军
Batten College of Engineering and 技术 ODU WIN Mentor: 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

Keke has been commissioned as a surface warfare officer in the U.S. 海军. She will be assigned to USS Kearsarge. 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA has been her mentor for three years:

"Keke is an example of the amazing hidden talents we have here at ODU. Daughter of an immigrant from Guatemala, she has carved an impressive career in engineering, 她对美国做出了最终的承诺,在美国陆军担任军官.S. 海军. I am extremely proud of this extraordinary young woman." 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, 西蒙·斯蒂芬 ‘22
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Batten College of Engineering and 技术
ODU WIN Mentor: Bertha “Bee” Ballard ’20, Nuclear Engineer, Reactor Servicing/Nuclear Propulsion,


我的WIN学员西蒙娜·斯蒂芬(西蒙·斯蒂芬)去年春天完成了机械工程学士学位. 她获得了2022年BCET多元化研究生奖,并继续完成了她的硕士学位
今夏的网络安全. 今年春天, 她发表了一篇论文, “Implications of 网络安全 in Advanced Agriculture”, 并在网络战争与安全国际会议上发表,并完成了网络体验式学习计划.
她目前通过国土安全部的有线实习和发展计划在太平洋西北国家实验室担任网络安全硕士实习生. 她有一个令人难以置信的故事,讲述了她在经历了一次重大的生活改变后如何克服逆境,这让她在追求教育的同时帮助照顾她所爱的人. She’s incredible and I’m proud to play a small part in her story!” 伯莎·"蜜蜂"·巴拉德,20届 Nuclear Engineer, Reactor Servicing/Nuclear Propulsion, 纽波特纽斯造船公司

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Jaidan N. 威廉姆斯,23年,A.A.S.
IT Specialist, 办公室 of the Inspector General, NASA Langley

B.S. 网络安全,2023
ODU WIN Mentor: Ann Jones, Director, Enterprise Identity 服务s, Sentara 健康care


Jaidan的ODU之路始于潮汐社区学院的STEM承诺学者,在那里Jaidan获得了全额学费奖学金. Jaidan’s academic accolades include being named to Dean’s List, 总统荣誉榜, and a recipient of the TCC Academic Excellence and 服务 Award.
While a student at Old Dominion, Jaidan joined the Summer 757 program to enhance her career readiness, build her professional network, and meet like-minded students with shared goals and visions for their futures. 贾丹于2022年在NASA兰利研究中心实习,并于2023年在NASA兰利研究中心监察长办公室全职担任IT专家.
Jaidan在Old Dominion大学读书时参加了ODU WIN指导计划. Ann Jones是Sentara 健康care企业身份服务总监,曾担任Jaidan的导师.

ODU WIN mentee alumni, 伊丽莎白Owusuwaa ’17 ’20 and Rafia哈克 ’19.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Rafia哈克 ‘19 Flight Software, NASA Langley 研究 Center
B.S. 计算机科学2019
MS 网络安全 Policy, Georgia Institute of 技术 2023 ODU
WIN Mentor: 基兰Poulos, JD, MS 会计 ‘05

Rafia哈克 ’19 is a Flight Software Engineer at NASA Langley 研究 Center. While a computer science student at ODU, Rafia参加了ODU WIN指导计划,由律师和ODU WIN成员指导, 基兰Poulos, MA ‘05.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, 阿曼达Pysher ‘23
BS, Ocean and Earth Science
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS环境健康,职业健康和安全' 19 Construction Supervisor, CVN-79 New Carrier Construction, 纽波特纽斯造船公司

阿曼达·皮舍于2023年5月毕业于ODU,现在在沿海卡罗莱纳大学攻读沿海海洋和湿地研究硕士学位. 在ODU时, she was a Division 1 student athlete on the 女性’s Rowing team, a volunteer researcher in the ODU Wetland Plant & 修复实验室, and served as an undergraduate research assistant in the Evolution Eco-Physiology Lab, 以扩大她的经验,并在她任职期间参与了许多其他项目和倡议. Pysher was a member of the CIVIC Scholars Class of 2023.

Meet ODU WIN Mentee Alumna, Ephony王 ‘23
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS环境健康,职业健康和安全' 19
Construction Supervisor, CVN-79 New Carrier Construction, 纽波特纽斯造船公司

埃phony King毕业于学徒学校,在ODU任职期间曾在纽波特纽斯造船公司担任结构焊工. 她于2023年8月完成了机械工程技术学士学位,现在是纽波特纽斯造船公司反应堆服务部的机械工程师. 她也是CVN-80(企业号)龙骨铺设的两名焊工之一。. Biles and fellow Olympian Katie Ledecky are the ship’s sponsors. Ephony welded Simone Biles’s initials on to the keel plate. 她是纽波特纽斯造船公司的2022年卓越模范获得者,也是她担任结构焊工期间所做的工作.

WIN Thank You - Kiyah Edwards

WIN Thank You - Ashley Scott

WIN Thank You - Daileesha Brown

WIN Thank You - Daileesha Brown (Part 2)